V. Our help is in the name of the Lord.
R. Who hath made all that lactate.

V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with thy fermentation.

Let us pray.

Lord God eternal,
we ask thee of thy bounty

to bless and sanctify these cheeses;

the mild and fragrant,

those that hath a mellifluous centre,

and those that giveth off an odour of old socks.
Thou hast been so loving as to grant bountiful lactation

from sheep, cows and goats,

and from this fluid thou hast granted to human kind

the skills to ferment and strain,

to separate curds and whey,

and bring forth hard and soft cheeses.

Grant that all who partake of their variety
may be blessed with a healthy digestion.

May they suffer no ill dreams nor rancid breath

nor explosions of foul winds.


Of your mercy give to cheese producers plentiful bacteria and hygienic dairies,

that plain or blue, fruited, smoked or grilled,

wrapped in floured rind, cloth, liquid or greaseproof paper,

we may celebrate the infinite variety of cheese,
through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

(The cheeses are then sprinkled with holy water.  After the Dismissal the cheeses may be sliced or cut and distributed to the faithful with small biscuits, or diced and stuck on a wooden stick with either a cocktail onion or a pineapple cube, and even spooned and served with a paper napkin.  A glass of red wine may also be provided.)