The Society of Saint Ennodius


The Society of Saint Ennodius (founded 01/01/04) is a fellowship of lay people who minister at the various altars in Wenchoster cathedral, and is rooted in the Catholic tradition of the Church of England.

Our aims and objectives are:

  1. to promote among our members, and the cathedral Chapter, an understanding of the liturgy, and the various ministries exercised therein.
  2. to promote reverent and dignified performance of the Holy Mysteries.
  3. to provide spiritual and practical support for each other, through prayer and fellowship.
  4. to offer guidance relating to ceremonial and ministry, where required.
  5. to manufacture, from the finest materials available, altar breads embossed with the image of the Holy Hankie of St. Veronica.
  6. to provide a buffet supper for the Cathedral Chapter after Evensong on the last Sunday of every month in the Nine Bells public house, Privy Street, Wenchoster.


Members of the Society at work at their Summer School manufacturing wafer breads under the prayerful guidance of Mr. Jeremiah Coddling (Third Order OHHSV)


Eligibility for membership of the Society is restricted to those whose names are entered on the Electoral Roll of Wenchoster Cathedral. Application for admission to the Roll may be made by following this link: APPLICATION


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