Present: The Ven. Rupert Henry
Philpott-Thrashington (Dean) (chair), Mr and Mrs Madcap, Mr
and Mrs Valentino, Mrs Cocyxx, Mrs Matthelm-Willbolly, Mrs
London, Mrs Bluitt, Mr and Mrs Grindle, Major Arbuthnott, Miss
Phillibuster, Colonel and Mrs Fotheringay, Miss Dangle, Rev Huff, Mrs Obejoiful, Mr Snappp, Miss Verucca, Brigadier Blastem, Hon P
Grouting OBE, Ms Gigglesworth III, Colonel Cranwell, Miss Stopes,
Mr Opiate, Canon Rumbled, Admiral Sir Capstan OBE, Miss
Strappe, Hon Lisp, Mr Kirrin, Canon Dewdrop MA, Mr Gamba,
Canon Pukkham, Mr Stonewall, Mr and Mrs Arbuthnott, Mr
Wrightis, Mrs Broidery, Mr Dunce, Mr & Mrs Forthbridge-Rubber, Mrs Capulet.
Apologies: Daniel and Amelia Bluitt, Mrs
Cutprice, Mr and Mrs deVerwee, Mr Tantan, Mrs Wong, Rev
Xavier, Miss Dropsy, Mrs Tights, Mrs Boulder, Brother
Eustace OHHSV.
The meeting opened with a prayer.
Minutes of the 2005 Easter Vestry were approved and signed.
Arbuthnott and Mrs Matthelm-Willbolly were proposed,
seconded and duly elected as Church Wardens for a further
year. Mr Snapp, (Wenchoster Dairy) asked that we Minute our
thanks and give them a big pat on the back for their support
and hard work during the year.
The Annual Meeting of Parishioners then closed.
Present and apologies as above.
Rev Huff and Mrs Obejoiful were appointed Tellers in the event of
any election needing the casting of votes by Ballot.
The Minutes of the 2005 Annual Parochial Church Meeting had been
circulated. Mrs Broidery proposed that they be accepted as an
accurate record. Major Arburthnott seconded. Approved
nem con.
There were no Matters Arising.
There were 155 names recorded on the Electoral Roll. There had
been 12 deletions and 15 additions.
PCC had met monthly throughout 2005. The main items of
business had been the creation of a creche area in the Choir Rooms
(defeated), the refurbishment of Bishop Goatnadger's Tomb
(approved), the carpeting of the Ponce de Rouen Sacristy (approved),
the re-oiling of the great West Door (approved), the provision of
pew bibles (defeated), the installation of a drinking fountain in
the great pulpit (defeated), the carpeting of the great stairs to
the Chained Library (defeated), the starting of a monthly Bible
Study group to meet in the rooms of the Nine Bells (approved), a
monthly men's breakfast, also at the Nine Bells (approved), the
replacement of the dangerous pew lamps in the choir stall
(defeated), and the payment of travelling expenses to the Cathedral
organist (approved but with 5 abstentions).
Treasurer, Mr Valentino, circulated copies of the Annual Accounts
for 2005. They had been audited by Messrs. Claptrapp & Gobb,
CA, in the High Street, and found to be without error. Big news is that we have worked very hard
and we have finished the year with a profit £74,453.49. Well
done us! Rudolph reported a £5,206.80 tax refund on the
year. Proposed by Mr Madcap and seconded by Mrs Madcap that
the accounts be formally adopted as the accurate record of the
financial year. Accepted unan. Messrs Claptrapp & Gobb
were unanimously appointed auditors for the current year.
Arbuthnott said that the fabric of the cathedral remained in
good order, due in no small measure to the continual
oversight of the Clerk of Works, Mr Stonewall. There
had been one major incident during the year when a
woodpecker had got into the north-west tower and begun to
damage the structure. It had been speedily dealt with
by Mr Colt's 15 year-old son who despatched the offending
bird with his air rifle. There had been a minor
protest from Miss Parrot of "Wenchoster Pet Stores", but she
had been easily placated with a free advert in the Cathedral
Quarterly News. All goods and ornaments as listed in
the Terrier were present, and the new gift of the
embroidered cushion for the Bishop's throne had been added.
Major Arbuthnott presented the Terrier for the Chairman's
Mr Gamba, the cathedral organist, reported on the work of the
worship committee over the past year. There had been 5 special
services and 14 new hymns had been introduced to the congregation.
Forty anthems had been sung by the choir, and the 2005 Ascension Day
hymn had been performed at the top of the de Flageolet Tower had
been well received by the Bishop. The committee continues to
work to vary the hymnody of the cathedral worship, whilst avoiding
the glaring modernity of the creations of Graham Kernduck which have
found so much favour with our evangelical brethren.
Mrs London, chair of the Social & Fund Raising Committee, spoke of
the wide support the cathedral had received in 2005 from sales
associated with the Mandylion chapel. The limited series of
greeting cards featuring images of the Mandylion with humorous
captions had sold out within a fortnight, and numerous requests had
been made for a reprint. However, the decision for this rested
with the Cathedral Chapter, and she appealed to the Chairman of the
Meeting to expedite matters. The Summer Appeal had brought in
nearly £10,000, and the Refectory continued to attract an eclectic
group of regular diners as well as several thousand visitors every
Miss Phillibuster, chair of the Mission & Outreach Committee said
that 2005 had been a difficult year for Mission. The problems
besetting the worldwide Anglican communion over the issues of human
sexuality had had a knock-on effect on her group as well as the
perception of the Church of England in the eyes of the general
public. Two committee members had resigned over what they
described as "the limp-wristed welcome given to nancy boys by the
American church" and stating that the slide in morality began " when
we lost our former colonies". The hole they left had proved
difficult to fill, but she was glad to announce that Mr Clive
Breathless and Mr Justin Peabody of "The Mangroves", Little Bustard
Lane, Wenchoster, had agreed to be co-opted for the remainder of the
year. They would stand for election at the committee meeting
next month.
Rev Horace Huff reported that the Deanery Synod had met four times
in the last year. In January they debated the question: "Is
the Deanery Synod an unnecessary level of Synodical government?"
This was passed by a majority of 32 votes. In April the
meeting heard a talk by Sister Thoroughgood of the African Catholic
Tract Society (ACTS) on the Society's work amongst the indigenous
peoples of northern Uganda. A slide presentation illustrated
the various areas of work, and of especial interest was the Stole
Embroidery Group with their fine needlework. Sister
Thoroughgood had some samples for sale, and they were soon all gone.
The July meeting received the Report "Lover or Brother - Issues in
Male Prominence". A lively debate ensued. In October the
2006 Diocesan Budget was presented and Parish Share (Quota)
allocations made. Various parishes declared themselves unable
to pay, and one person demanded to know just how much sherry was
consumed at the Bishop's Sunday lunch parties. However, the
Synod approved the 2006 Budget with one abstention and by a majority
of 15 votes.
from those entered on the Electoral Roll of the ecclesiastical
parish took place. The present Deanery Synod representatives,
Rev Horace Huff (elected 2004), and Brigadier Blastem (elected 2005),
confirmed in their appointment to the Deanery Synod. Mrs
Cutprice had reached the end of her 3-year term and was warmly
thanked by the Chairman for her service. With no new
nominations forthcoming, she agreed to stand again, and was duly
Elections for membership of the PCC took place,
and the existing members were all re-elected en-bloc. There
were no resignations or new nominations.
The Dean said it had been an interesting
year. The Social & Fund Raising Committee had been 'magical' in their inventiveness with
fund raising and he again said how much he loved using our
magnificent Cathedral
building for such a wide variety of events. Of
particular pleasure was the Summer Wine and Vol-au-vent
evening with the Choir School orchestra. The only low
point had been when Emily Stranglehold had vomited into her
tuba, but thankfully it did not presage a re-enactment of
the unfortunate food-poisoning that marred the 2001 "Come
and Sing Messiah" evening.
The Mission & Outreach Committee's purchase of a
large Party Gazebo was inspired, and it had already been put to good
use. The Dean reminded the meeting that it was available for
hire for private as well as church functions. The stains from
Archdeacon Virgil Motson's October "BeerFest" had all come out after
careful attention by Mrs Grindle.
We are all missing Rev Neil Legstrong, but hope to have another
curate in place by July 2006 - the final discussions are
taking place at the end of May. It will be another person
serving their 1st curacy and we should be able to
have him / her for 3 maybe 4 years. The loss of our dear
Mrs Zygblat
was very sad and she will very much missed. We enjoyed her tremendous
support for many years, and she has left a huge hole.
Mr Valentinon will liase with the Diocesan
representative of Ecclesiological as to the cost of our insurances. Ours
still seem to be rather high.
The Dean than ked Mr Grindle for all his hard work with the
visitors and pilgrims that come to the cathedral, and for
overseeing the day-to-day practicalities that arise, and the
often unanticipated problems.
AOB Mr & Mrs
Forthbridge-Rubber were thanked for their gifts of an
Advent candle stand and a candle screen presented to the
cathedral on the occasion of their Golden Wedding October 9 2004.
The Bishop Avonmouth Cathedral School Jazz Band are going to put on an
evening entertainment (date to advised) when they will demonstrate how to
make music with the most unlikely objects - ie. teapots,
watering cans. garden hoses etc. There will be a cheese and pickle
supper at £5 per head with a bar provided by the landlord of
the Nine Bells.
Daniel and Amelia Bluitt -
and anyone else who cares to join in - will take all the
left-over jumble to a car boot sale when the weather picks up
and try and get rid of it before the Sunday Teas start.
The ashes of Sister Percy OHHSV (Miss Dangle's
mother) will arrive back in this country on May 17. They will
be placed in the Chapter House Ossuary during the w/c 21 May.
The meeting closed at 9.27 p.m.